Terra Mater Advisors Limited (company number 12009068 England and Wales) engage with various contracting parties. We advise on strategy, tactics, operational aspects and mediate between parties. We also introduce parties to each other. In the course of our engagements we endeavour to seek the best outcome for our clients.
In order to make an assessment of the prevailing situation, we need to gather information relating to the parties. Such information may be subject to confidentiality agreements and other agreements restricting disclosure.
While we endeavour to mediate and make the best possible recoveries for our client, we do not operate as a debt collection agency. We also do not offer any technical, investment, tax, financial, legal or other advice, except as stated above or opine on such matters.We may contract specific parts of our remit to specialist third parties, such as lawyers for drafting legal documentation as well as tax advisors, security agents etc for specific services.